In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Huge Jackman reprises his role that jump started his career as a new form of the human evolution process. Born as James Howlet (also goes by Logan) is a mutant in which is characterized by one human having the X-Gene; a genetic trait that causes a DNA mutation and causes the human to have abilities. Wolverine’s possesses the abilities of cell regeneration (wounds that heal by itself), heighten senses (super smell and hearing) and retractable bone claws that come out of his fist. Yes bones. This is one thing I liked about the movie. We have always seen Wolverine with his metal claws but we were never really introduced on these claws in his earlier years. It was always implied that he had claws but was only left to the imagination. Later on he agrees to go under a medical procedure that actually turns his bones in to a type of metal, the strongest known to man. His reason for doing this is to seek out revenge against Sabertooth who “killed” Logan’s love interest in the move. What Logan didn’t know what that this was a set up, and the death of his love was acted out. Right after the medical process, Logan uses his super hearing and over hears that his memory will be erased and he will become a humanoid weapon for the U.S. Government. He breaks free and the movie is set up from here, trying to catch him and bring him back to the facility.
Once again we are hit with a complicated and drown out storyline along with poorly defined characters. Just as the last X-MEN movie…it’s too much story for one movie. If the movie is entitled X-Men Origins: Wolverine, then why not actually show is origins. We are only given about 10 minutes of his childhood, learning that he and Sabertooth/Victor are actually brothers….mistake #1. This takes a whole lot from the characters, and this is not in the comics. In the comics Logan actually runs away from home to live among nature, a local Native American tribe….and wolves. Yes the exact same animal he is based on is not even brought up in the movie. We do get a montage of all the wars he as fought in from the American Revolution to the World Wars. I did like that though.
Mistake #2. He is part of a special force tactical unit called Weapon X. It would have been nice if they made some kind of reference to Captain America…second thought no…look what they did to Ghost Rider, Dare Devil and Spiderman 3.
Mistake #3 Sabertooth….hmmm, lets just give him some canines and glue some Frito corn chips to his finger nails. Yeah WTF, that reseble nothing like Sabertooth. Sabertooth in X-MEN 1 was better. Gambit…I expect more that just throwing cards and jumping around. He can charge things and make them explode, why was this not used in the movie…oh because he was only in it for about 5 minutes…just like every other mutants.
The biggest mistake…Ryan Reynolds!!! WTF were they thinking!!! I guess they didn’t see Blade 3. Dry comedy in a action movie does not ever work.
This is paint by numbers movie; you basically know what’s going to happen, animal roars, fight scenes, and graphics.
The worst thing is that I saw this movie online for free….and I still want some money back.
Unfortunately X-Men (Mislead)Origins: Wolverine, there is a sequel in the works…