Friday, May 30, 2008
New blog
I am taking his advise and started a new blog. A blog of short stories and other shit that I will write about. Short stories and shit...sounds good.
Short Stories and Shit.
Things I have to keep telling myself...again
Your puns are ALWAYS funny.
Life is not as bad as you think it is. So knock it off. You have great friends. A great family. And would only do one thing differently in life. That's pretty damn good.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
My step-dad's cousin tried to commit suicide a few weeks ago by doing a huge hit of blow and drinking freon. He drove to some remote place where he abandoned his car walking around like a zombie. He was in ICU for a while. His depression led him to this.
Band of the month
fly�leaf �
- A blank or specially printed leaf (page) at the beginning or end of a book.
- American rock band that formed in Belton and Temple, TX region in 2000.
I couldn't post the video directly to the blog because:
A. Embedding disabled by request
2. Eloy has not shown me how to get around that Embedding disabled by request deal.
So heres the link on you tube.
Thanks Elysse for playing this song till I bled from my eyes.
Yes, I did put the 2 down.
100 thing that I've learned about photography
1. Never do photography to become a rock-star.
2. Enjoy what you are shooting.
3. Prepare well for your shooting, realizing that your battery isn’t charge when you’re setting up for that sunrise shoot is too late!
4. Always take one warm garment more than you actually need with you
5. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions while you are shooting
6. Set goals you can achieve
7. Write tips about photography, because writing is also learning
8. Never go shooting without a tripod
9. Be pleased with the little prosperities
10. Build relationships with potential photo buddies
11. Watch the place you want to shoot first with your heart then with the camera
12. Always stay calm
13. Know that you tend to overestimate yourself
14. Perspective is the killer
15. Dedicate yourself to photography, but never browbeat yourself too much
16. Take part in a photography community
Treeklein17. Keep your camera clean
18. Never compare yourself to others in a better or worse context
19. Find your own style of photography
20. Try to compose more and to hit the shutter less
21. Seek out and learn to accept critique on your images
22. Do something different to recover creativity
23. Get inspiration from the work of other photographers
24. Criticize honestly but respectfully
25. Get feedback from your lady
26. Don’t copy other photographer’s style
27. Be bold
28. Take care of the golden ratio
29. 10mm rocks!
30. Take selfportraits
31. Read books about photography
32. To give a landscapephotograph the extra boost, integrate a person (maybe yourself)
33. Every shooting situation is different than you expect
34. Pay attention to s-curves and lines
35. Always shoot in RAW
36. Keep your sensor clean, so you can save some work cleaning your image in post production
37. Discover the things you think are beautiful
Redgreenklein38. It takes time to become a good photographer
39. The best equipment is that what you have now
40. You can’t take photographs of everything
41. Break the rules of photography knowingly, but not your camera ;)
42. Pay attention to the different way that light falls on different parts of your scene
43. The eye moves to the point of contrast
44. Clouds increase the atmosphere of a landscape
45. Start a photoblog
46. Accept praise and say “thank you”
47. ‘Nice Shot’ is not a very useful comment to write
48. ‘Amazing!’ isn’t useful either. Try to describe specifically what you like or don’t like about an image.
49. You are not your camera
50. Ask a question at the end of your comment on a photo to get a ping-pong conversation with the photographer
51. Do a review of your archives on a regular basis, the longer you photograph - the more diamonds are hidden there
52. Always clarify what the eyecatcher (focal point) will be in your image
53. No image is better than a bad one
54. Everyone has to start little
55. Your opinion about photography is important!
56. Leave a funny but thoughtful comment
57. Speak about your experiences with your photo buddies
58. Limit your photograph to the substance
59. Participate in Photocontests
60. Post processing = Optimizing your image to the best result
61. Shoot exposure latitudes as often as possible
Wideklein62. Use photomatix as seldom as possible, HDR’s always have a synthetic flavor
63. Always remember what brought you to photography
64. Never shoot a person who doensn’t want to be photographed
65. Always turn arround, sometimes the better image is behind you
66. It’s who’s behind the camera, not the camera
67. Mistakes are allowed! The more mistakes you make, the more you learn!
68. If you have an idea and immediately you think : No, this is not going to work - Do it anyway. When in doubt - always shoot.
69. Understand and look to your histogramm while shooting. It delivers very important information about your image
70. Know your camera, because searching the menu button in the night is time you don’t want to waste
71. Shoot as often as possible
72. Believe in yourself
73. Don’t be afraid of getting dirty
74. Pay attention to qualitiy in your image
75. Your photographs are a personal map of your psyche
76. Re-check your ISO-Settings. It’s aweful to detect the wrong settings on your screen.
77. Be thankful for long and thoughtful comments on your images
78. Never trust your LCD. Normally it is brighter and sharper as the original image.
79. Provide for enough disc space, because it’s cheap and you will need it.
Autoklein80. Learn to enjoy beautful moments when you don’t have a camera with you.
81. Always arrive at least half an hour earlier before sunrise / sundown, composing in a hurry is a bad thing.
82. Try to amplify your mental and physical limits. Takes some extra shots when you think “it’s enough”
83. Pay attention to structures in the sky and wait until they fit into structures in the foreground
84. Visit the same place as often as possible. Light never shows the same mountain.
85. Print your images in big size. You will love it.
86. Calibrate your monitor. Working with a monitor that is not accurate is like being together with someone you can’t trust. It always ends badly.
87. Don’t think about what others may say about your image. If you like it, it’s worth publishing.
88. Never address reproaches to yourself. Learn from your mistakes and look forward, not backward.
89. Fight your laziness ! Creativitiy comes after discipline.
90. Ask yourself : What do you want to express in your images ?
91. Always try to think outside the box, collect new ideas about photographs you could do and ask yourself : Why not?
92. Search for a mentor.
93. Photography is never a waste of time.
Fogklein94. Every community has it’s downsides. Don’t leave it out of an emotional response.
95. There will always be people who will not like what you are doing.
96. Henri Cartier-Bresson was right when he said that “Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.”
97. A better camera doesn’t guarantee better images.
98. Always have printing in mind when you postprocess your images.
99. Photography is fair : You gain publicity with the quality of your images. Unless the images are stolen, there is no way of cheating yourself higher.
100. Write a 100 things list
Do you have learned something that I didn’t mention ? I would be glad if you let me know it as a comment, so I can learn from you ! place to live!!!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
9 words that women use
1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!
5. Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.
6. That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you’re welcome.
8. Whatever: Is a women’s way of saying F@!K YOU!
9. Don’t worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking “What’s wrong?” For the woman’s response refer to #3.
I like to think my mom for helping me understand this.
Zen Sarcasm
1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just leave me alone!
2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire.
3. It’s always darkest before dawn. So if you’re going to steal your neighbor’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it.
4. Sex is like air. It’s not important unless you aren’t getting any.
5. Don’t be irreplaceable. If you can’t be replaced, you can’t be promoted.
6. Always remember you’re unique. Just like everyone else.
7. Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
8. If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
9. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.
10. If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.
11. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
12. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
13. If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.
14. Some days you’re the bug; some days you’re the windshield.
15. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
16. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.
17. A closed mouth gathers no foot.
18. Duct tape is like ‘The Force’. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
19. There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.
20. Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your lips are moving.
21. Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
22. Never miss a good chance to shut up.
23. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night
24. Shoveling coal for seven days makes one weak.
25. We are born naked, wet and hungry, and get slapped on our butt. Then things get worse.
26. There is a fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”
27. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.
28. Life is sexually transmitted.
29. Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
30. For women … men have two emotional states: hungry and horny - if you see one without an erection, make him a sandwich.
31. Some people are like a Slinky: not really good for anything, but you still can’t help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.
My Celeb Look Alikes. |
MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity
So just who is Jason Schwartzman?!?!?!
A good one finally
Set In Stone

The Glenwood Cemetery is located at 2525 Washington Avenue in Houston, Texas. It was the first cemetery in Houston to be professionally designed and opened in 1871. The cemetery is situated between Washington Avenue on the North side and Memorial Drive on the South side, the latter overlooking Buffalo Bayou.
Buried in the cemetery is William P. Hobby, after whom Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas is named. Ironically enough, in 1938, the William P. Hobby Airport in Houston, known at the time as Houston Municipal Airport, was re-named "Howard Hughes Airport," but the name was changed back after people objected to naming the airport after a living person. This is also the location of pioneering heart surgeon Dr. Denton Cooley's family gravesite.[1] Anson Jones, the last president of the Republic of Texas, is also buried here.[2]
This historic cemetery is the final resting place of a number of individuals who were citizens of the shortlived Republic of Texas. The grave sites of those individuals have been designated with a metal marker and are frequently decorated with the flag of the Republic and State of Texas.
Notable burials
* Joseph S. Cullinan, Founder of Texaco
* William Stamps Farish II, Co-founder, Humble Oil Company
* Albert Bel Fay, U.S. Ambassasor to Trinidad and Tobago
* Maria "Ria" Franklin Prentiss Lucas Langham Gable, Texas socialite, married to Clark Gable 1931-1939
* James Wilson Henderson, Governor of Texas 1853
* Oveta Culp Hobby, U.S. Secretary, Department of Health, Education and Welfare 1953-1955
* William P. Hobby, Governor of Texas 1917-1921
* Roy Hofheinz, Father of the Astrodome
* Howard R. Hughes, Jr, Aviator, Industrialist
* Howard R. Hughes, Sr., Co-founder, Sharp-Hughes Tool Company, later renamed Hughes Tool Company
* Anson Jones, President, Republic of Texas 1844-1845
* Edgar Odell Lovett, President (1st), Rice University 1912-1946
* Glenn McCarthy, "King of the Wildcatters"
* Hiram Runnels, Governor of Mississippi 1833-1835
* Walter Benona Sharp, Co-founder, Sharp-Hughes Tool Company, later renamed Hughes Tool Company
* Ross S. Sterling, Governor of Texas 1931-1933; Co-founder, Humble Oil Company
* Gene Tierney, Hollywood Actress
* Margaret Kinkaid, founder of The Kinkaid School in Houston's Piney Point area
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Nerd Pride Day.
Basic rights and responsibilities of nerds
1. The right to be even nerdier.
2. The right to not leave your house.
3. The right to not have a significant other and be a virgin.
4. The right to not like soccer or any other sport.
5. The right to associate with other nerds.
6. The right to have few friends (or none at all).
7. The right to have all the nerdy friends that you want.
8. The right to not be “in-style.”
9. The right to be overweight and have poor eyesight.
10. The right to show off your nerdiness.
11. The right to take over the world.
1. Be a nerd, no matter what.
2. Try and be nerdier than anyone else.
3. If there is a discussion about something nerdy, you must give your opinion.
4. Save any and all nerdy things you have.
5. Do everything you can to show off your nerdy stuff as though it were a “museum of nerdiness.”
6. Don’t be a generalized nerd. You must specialize in something.
7. Attend every nerdy movie on opening night and buy every nerdy book before anyone else.
8. Wait in line on every opening night. If you can go in costume or at least with a related t-shirt, all the better.
9. Don’t waste your time on anything not related to nerddom.
10. Try to take over the world!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Rock by a Muppet
Fat Ed’s Furry F*cking Guide To Metal!!!!
Here is a explanation of the music I listen to for those of you who don't understand.
Then and now #1
This picture was taken at the Merchants & Manufacturers (M&M) Building in 1952 This is a view of Main St. (south) in to Downtown Houston.

Friday, May 16, 2008
Bring Home the Silver Boot!!!
Yes this weekend is the Lone Star Series....for those of you who don't vs. TX Rangers. And the winner gets the big silver boot, best our of six. Right now the Rangers have it, but Astros are the best team...well they are doing better than the other teams now, so I think we have a really good shot at bringing it home, and here are my reasons....
Since May 1, the Astros sport MLB's best record at 11-2 and the Rangers have the second best record since that date at 10-4.
'Stros are the only Texas team that went to the World Series..Rangers have never been to a playoff series anyways.
Starting in 1996, 'Stros have only lost 2 seasons from 2002...Rangers only have one winning season.
Keep an eye out for these guys.....
Lance Berkman: .391 AVG, 15 HR's and 43 RBI. What category doesn't he lead? A Triple Crown and MVP candidate. This could be a special year in Houston.
Hunter Pence: .286 AVG, 4 HR's and 22 RBI. After struggling early and often, Pence is back in form and currently with a 13-game hit streak. An Arlington native, Pence will be looking to show up his home town team.
Miguel Tejada: .343 AVG, 5 HR's and 31 RBI. A pleasant surprise to Houston. A leader. A defensive whiz. A no doubt All-Star. You've done well Ed Wade
Houston Astros v. Texas Rangers
Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, TX
Friday at 7:05 p.m.Shawn Chacon (0-0, 3.53 ERA) v. Sidney Ponson (2-0, 3.16 ERA)
Saturday at 6:05 p.m.Roy Oswalt (4-3, 5.05 ERA) v. Vicente Padillia (5-2, 3.23 ERA)
Sunday at 2:05 p.m.Brandon Backe (2-5, 4.62 ERA) v. Kason Gabbard (1-0, 2.12 ERA)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I could care less
No snacks for the kids today...I mean my boss and his staff have only been at work since 10 am...and they can't walk their asses to the caferteira and get the snacks...they gotta wait for us when we come in at three and expect us to create some kinda Mother Teressa miracle act and pull the snacks out of our asses.
But the one team leader thats been there all morning can't run to Food Town and spend some of her money. We've all pitched in to buy snacks for the kids...but she never has once put in money.
The fact that she knew that we didn't have snacks...and then brings food for only her team (when in the past we have feed her kids on many occasions) and eats it infront of the other unprofessional is that.
We the other team leaders and I then all put our money together and bought some cokes and nuggets for the kids. And she goes crying. Fuck Her...she never helps to set up for program, never helps to end program.
I wish I was like Moyia and quit on the spot, she said the truth. With out us 4, nothing would of gotten done.
I know we're gonna get some kinda of lecture tomorrow at our fucking retarded teacher breakfast...teachers who won't support the program breakfast... no wait I want them to lecture. Cause it's about time I say shit. I've done my part, I've set up field trips for the students, I've signed that toilet paper of a contract to do my best.
I gotta wake up at fucking 6am to be at work for only 30 minutes....piss on that breakfast.
I will walk out...I promise I would.
I left my other job cause of this same shit.
Venting is nice.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Have you ever seen a rainbow? Did you ever think what makes a rainbow and all those colors? What about your clothes, what makes your favorite piece of clothing stand out. Is it the colors and the way they are presented? Have you ever wondered that the colors we see in you every day life affects the world around you? Well if you have wondered, then you have found the right book! Find a nice comfy place and prepare to learn some cool facts about color and the clarity of it!
In order for us to understand color, we must understand how color works.
So…just how do we see color in the first place?
Color comes in light; the sun for instance, is the natural source for light. Hard to believe, but it is true! Color comes in light waves and we see these waves as colors. Each wave of light has a different wave length, read has the longest and purple has the shortest. When all of these colors are combined together you get white light. Black is the absence of light.
Color is not in an object, it is on the surface of it. In some objects the color waves are absorbed by the object, and others are reflected off of the object. The reflected colors are the colors we see. Let’s take an apple for example. Imagine that are holding and looking at the apple. The apple is a solid red color. The sunlight which is the white light, is shining all the colors. All the colors except red are absorbed in to the apple. The red color wave is reflected or bounced of the apple and goes straight in to your eye.
In the back of your eye, there are color receptors called cones that receive the different colors your eyes see. Humans have 3 kinds of color receptors or cones in the eye; a red, a green, and a blue. These cones work together to produce the colors that you see. It’s almost how a television makes a picture on the glass surface… but that’s a different story for next time.
Good, now you know how the human eye sees colors. But colors are put in to different categories…Okay, we will learn about that next.
In the famous world of art, color theory (or colour theory, if you are in the United Kingdom) is the only way to go. What is color theory? Color theory is a guided way to use and mix colors. For example there are Primary Colors, Read, Blue and Yellow. They are called Primary Colors because they are the prime or main colors you need to create other colors. No other colors combined can create red, blue, and yellow, they are prime.
The next sets of colors are called Secondary Colors. These are created when 2 different Primary colors are mixed together. For example; Red and Blue combined created Purple, Read and Yellow combined create Orange, and Blue and Yellow combined create…try it on your own! But get an adult to help you first!
Next in line of color theory is the Tertiary Colors…say it slow like this; TER-SHE-AIR-RE. Hey I didn’t event the English language, but seriously that is the way you pronounce Tertiary. Tertiary means third, and in color theory that’s exactly what it is. A tertiary color is made up of 3 colors; a primary color mixed with a secondary color (2 primary colors…2+1=3). Like Yellow-Green: Yellow and Blue makes Green, add more Yellow and you get Yellow-Green. Can you come up with more tertiary colors…get an adult and create some!!!
Complementary Colors are two colors that are directly across from each other from the color wheel. Yellow and purple are complementary of each other. What other colors can you see that are complementary of each other?
When you hear warm, what colors do you think of? What about cool? That’s next part of the book, colors and symbols.
Warm, you think of fire right? What color is fire…go on, take your time. Got it? Where you think of Red, Yellow and Orange. Great, what about cool, think about the night. Did you guess Blue, Purple and Green? Awesome!
Color can suggests meanings in two different ways. A natural way and emotional way. No, it’s not mind control. The truth of the matter is that people are comfortable when colors remind them of similar things. For example, a soft shade of blue triggers associations with the sky and a sense of calm.
Here are the colors and some words that related to them:
Red Dynamic, vital, romantic, commanding, alert, rebellious, complementary, joyful, visible, hot,and fun.
Orange: Helpful, abundant, cozy, burning, festive, warning, flavorful, active, inspiring, excited, and communication.
Yellow: Creative, young, visible, bright, cheerful, light weight, curios, coward, nutritious, ill, and expanding.
Green: Patient, natural, adventurous, relaxed, athletic, lucky, unfortunate, balanced, safe, and sharing.
Blue: Technical, deep, free, educated, lonely, peaceful, cold, clean, authoritative, and formal.
APurple: Intelligent, artistic, aloof, luxurious, royal, vain, fantastic, melancholic, feminine, fragrant, and solemn.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
All you can eat Thursady!!!!
Astros Offer All-You-Can Eat Thursdays!
What's better than going to Minute Maid Park and watching your red-hot Astros!? Watching the game with an all-you-can eat wristband, that's what!
For the first time in the ballpark's history, Uncle Drayton has decided to catch on to a trend that other ballpark's have found successful. For only $35, you will receive a game ticket for section 434 with an all-you-can eat wristband to a designated Thursday game of your choice in which you will enjoy an unlimited amount of hot dogs, nachos, peanuts, sodas and water.
According to, the following games will feature this ballpark feast:
- May 22 vs. Philadelphia Phillies
- June 12 vs. Milwaukee Brewers
- June 26 vs. Texas Rangers
- July 3 vs. Los Angeles Dodgers
- August 14 vs. San Francisco Giants
- August 28 vs. Cincinnati Reds
- September 11 vs. Pittsburgh Pirates
- September 25 vs. Cincinnati Reds
Astros fans will be able to order as much as four items per visit which last into the middle of the seventh inning. Tickets for this promotion go on-sale today.
Notes: You can purchase all-you-can eat tickets here: All-You-Can Eat Thursdays
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Good News
Pat from admissions e-mailed me:Hello Everyone!
"You did not receive this email by accident, but with a purpose. If you have been selected to take part in UHD’s undergraduate viewbook committee.
Why you? You may ask. UHD has lots of talented students and staff! We feel all of you exemplify what we need. From Angelina’s writings in the Bayou Review to Gladys previously working with a magazine, to Jon bringing a trendy UHD vibe to Chris with a worldly view and with Bernadette’s focused and insightful thinking!
The purpose of the first committee meeting is to develop an outline of our future viewbook, the content, structure, and mood. We will be discuss the beginnings of the rough draft during the meeting along with your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions.
Please reply with any questions prior to the meeting if you need, thanks for your time!"
I'm really excited, this is the 2nd time something like this is happen to me. The first time is the 002Mag UHD edition. I have a lot of ideas for this view book. A view book is like a brochure but in book for. Has pictures of the university and student live, and quick info...a small interest book in other words. I was told that I needed to have an idea and present it along with the other committee members. As for a graphic I have a tone of ideas, the retro image is in so I'm looking in to that.
More to come!