Monday, May 12, 2008


So for the WOW! at work...well first I have the special kids ans it was really hard to create an project towards we are creating a book about colors. How we see them, how people use them, and symbols towards them. So heres what I got so far:


Have you ever seen a rainbow? Did you ever think what makes a rainbow and all those colors? What about your clothes, what makes your favorite piece of clothing stand out. Is it the colors and the way they are presented? Have you ever wondered that the colors we see in you every day life affects the world around you? Well if you have wondered, then you have found the right book! Find a nice comfy place and prepare to learn some cool facts about color and the clarity of it!

In order for us to understand color, we must understand how color works.

So…just how do we see color in the first place?

Color comes in light; the sun for instance, is the natural source for light. Hard to believe, but it is true! Color comes in light waves and we see these waves as colors. Each wave of light has a different wave length, read has the longest and purple has the shortest. When all of these colors are combined together you get white light. Black is the absence of light.

Color is not in an object, it is on the surface of it. In some objects the color waves are absorbed by the object, and others are reflected off of the object. The reflected colors are the colors we see. Let’s take an apple for example. Imagine that are holding and looking at the apple. The apple is a solid red color. The sunlight which is the white light, is shining all the colors. All the colors except red are absorbed in to the apple. The red color wave is reflected or bounced of the apple and goes straight in to your eye.

In the back of your eye, there are color receptors called cones that receive the different colors your eyes see. Humans have 3 kinds of color receptors or cones in the eye; a red, a green, and a blue. These cones work together to produce the colors that you see. It’s almost how a television makes a picture on the glass surface… but that’s a different story for next time.

Good, now you know how the human eye sees colors. But colors are put in to different categories…Okay, we will learn about that next.

In the famous world of art, color theory (or colour theory, if you are in the United Kingdom) is the only way to go. What is color theory? Color theory is a guided way to use and mix colors. For example there are Primary Colors, Read, Blue and Yellow. They are called Primary Colors because they are the prime or main colors you need to create other colors. No other colors combined can create red, blue, and yellow, they are prime.

The next sets of colors are called Secondary Colors. These are created when 2 different Primary colors are mixed together. For example; Red and Blue combined created Purple, Read and Yellow combined create Orange, and Blue and Yellow combined create…try it on your own! But get an adult to help you first!

Next in line of color theory is the Tertiary Colors…say it slow like this; TER-SHE-AIR-RE. Hey I didn’t event the English language, but seriously that is the way you pronounce Tertiary. Tertiary means third, and in color theory that’s exactly what it is. A tertiary color is made up of 3 colors; a primary color mixed with a secondary color (2 primary colors…2+1=3). Like Yellow-Green: Yellow and Blue makes Green, add more Yellow and you get Yellow-Green. Can you come up with more tertiary colors…get an adult and create some!!!

Complementary Colors are two colors that are directly across from each other from the color wheel. Yellow and purple are complementary of each other. What other colors can you see that are complementary of each other?

When you hear warm, what colors do you think of? What about cool? That’s next part of the book, colors and symbols.

Warm, you think of fire right? What color is fire…go on, take your time. Got it? Where you think of Red, Yellow and Orange. Great, what about cool, think about the night. Did you guess Blue, Purple and Green? Awesome!

Color can suggests meanings in two different ways. A natural way and emotional way. No, it’s not mind control. The truth of the matter is that people are comfortable when colors remind them of similar things. For example, a soft shade of blue triggers associations with the sky and a sense of calm.

Here are the colors and some words that related to them:

Red Dynamic, vital, romantic, commanding, alert, rebellious, complementary, joyful, visible, hot,and fun.

Orange: Helpful, abundant, cozy, burning, festive, warning, flavorful, active, inspiring, excited, and communication.

Yellow: Creative, young, visible, bright, cheerful, light weight, curios, coward, nutritious, ill, and expanding.

Green: Patient, natural, adventurous, relaxed, athletic, lucky, unfortunate, balanced, safe, and sharing.

Blue: Technical, deep, free, educated, lonely, peaceful, cold, clean, authoritative, and formal.

APurple: Intelligent, artistic, aloof, luxurious, royal, vain, fantastic, melancholic, feminine, fragrant, and solemn.

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