So if you know me quit well, I'm not a religious spectator. Yeah I go to church every now and then, only because it's tradition. I believe that religion was created only as a scare tactic...if you do that you'll go to Hell. Religion is here only for order. I don't really believe that there was a man who did all these things that they said he did. I think there was a man..Jesus or not, who did good things, but people have extremely exaggerated the stories. But I do believe that there is a Higher Power that moves us on this game board of Life. Today I read a book that further convince me that there is a higher being out there.
Rene Descartes’ "Meditations". Descartes...uh..pronounce Day-cart...yeah I know....those crazy French, when will they ever learned. So back to the story, Descartes was a French philosopher, a number cruncher (mathematician) an a scientist during the Renaissance era.
One day he decided, what if what I know is nothing but bull plop. How do I know that the knowledge's that was taught to me was tainted and biased...how do I know that all of this is real, and not being controlled by someone else...talk about a Matrix freak out.
Becoming over stimulated and because Starbucks will not be invented in another 3000 years,he lock himself up in a cabin, far from society...all to think...is this real, or am I a schizo.
He did 3 types of meditations...but the one that changed my opinion was the last one. The questioning of Gods existence.
And here it is in 5 easy steps:
I. I have an idea of a perfect being...in this case God.
Rene Descartes’ "Meditations". Descartes...uh..pronounce Day-cart...yeah I know....those crazy French, when will they ever learned. So back to the story, Descartes was a French philosopher, a number cruncher (mathematician) an a scientist during the Renaissance era.
One day he decided, what if what I know is nothing but bull plop. How do I know that the knowledge's that was taught to me was tainted and biased...how do I know that all of this is real, and not being controlled by someone else...talk about a Matrix freak out.
Becoming over stimulated and because Starbucks will not be invented in another 3000 years,he lock himself up in a cabin, far from society...all to think...is this real, or am I a schizo.
He did 3 types of meditations...but the one that changed my opinion was the last one. The questioning of Gods existence.
And here it is in 5 easy steps:
I. I have an idea of a perfect being...in this case God.
II. In every cause there must be as much reality in effect, or for every action there should be a equal reaction. Meaning that if I flick you in the ear, you ear will slightly bend and return to normal, that is an equal reaction. An unequal reaction is if I flick your ear, and it completely rips off, that is not an equal reaction. So we as humans don't have this type of power because we are not gods, we are...
III. Imperfect. Humans make mistakes, only the perfect being never makes a mistake.
IV. Given that what number 3 says, then I can not not do number 1. Humans are imperfect, so how can we have an idea of a perfect god? We each have our own biased image of God. So if we can't raise an idea of a perfect God then a perfect being must of put that perfect idea in our minds.
V. Given that of number 2 God must exsit, because only a perfect being can have an unequal action...like putting and idea in ones mind, and imperfect person can not physically do this. Opening ones skull and implanting and idea in the actual brain would likely kill at this time period. Only God can do this without opening the skull and harming the person.
So, this argument has gotten to make me a believer. There is a higher power out there.
Philosophy...IT'S THE SHITZ!!!
V. Given that of number 2 God must exsit, because only a perfect being can have an unequal action...like putting and idea in ones mind, and imperfect person can not physically do this. Opening ones skull and implanting and idea in the actual brain would likely kill at this time period. Only God can do this without opening the skull and harming the person.
So, this argument has gotten to make me a believer. There is a higher power out there.
Philosophy...IT'S THE SHITZ!!!
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