Monday, July 7, 2008

De La Rosa '08

We live in a world that is not safe anymore, where people are unsure about their future. Our country is too busy in affairs of other nations, that is where the problems lie. We need to stop, and look at where this country is headed, help ourselves first then the world. America is not the country it once was. Unsure futures is what Americans have, when will the fat cats in DC come to realize that this country needs help, and not just a economic stimuli check of a band-aid. There needs to be more done. And today my friends I have taken enough, I have seen my fellow Americans struggle just to make a living. It's time for a reformation in D.C. So I am announcing my candidacy for the White House. Yes I know, how can that be? I'm too young, only 24. But maybe that's what we need, a new set of young clear eyes to lead us in a new direction. on A young person who hasn't been corrupt by the capitalist society. Someone who understands the people that will lead this country in 5 -10 years. So I am asking you to join me on the world wide web and help me lead this country back to it's Golden Age. Please view this video and I hope you will march with me. Thank you, and God Bless.

Struggling American just like you,
-H. Jon-Anthony De La Rosa

This posting is 100% fake, I have no idea how to run a country....but wait about 20 years.

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