Groggy exhaustion after a night of banging.
(Last night Shanon came over to watch a movie we drank to much wine and had a corkscrew (when drinking wine leads to screwing), we were at it all night I woke up with a bangover.)

The New Man-i-festo of Dude Talk
The New Man-i-festo of Dude Talk
For those who are new to Brovember, it is a month-long celebration of male comradery and all things bromantic. It takes place during the 30 days of what was formerly known as November. "Bromance" is defined as a sentiment of platonic love and compassion between men. Although not necessarily meant in a homoerotic sense, it absolutely can be. During this month, men celebrate the love they have for one another by congregating and usually embibing alcohol. The pursuit of the opposite sex loses all importance as men freely express the pride they have for their gender and the importance with which they hold their close male companions. At the pinnacle of the month, regularly celebrated on the day immediately following Thanksgiving, the annual Men Eating Animals Together, or, M.E.A.T. Feast is held. At this event, all men who are well enough and down enough gather at a given location, cook a surplus of meat, drink jug upon jug of red wine and case upon case of Pabst Blue Ribbon. There are no utensils, no plates, no napkins, no shirts, no girls, and no white wine allowed. This night is the most important night of the year.
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