Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Edition

  1. Jack O'Lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away spirits and ghosts on the Samhain holiday.
  2. Pumpkins also come in white, blue and green. Great for unique monster carvings!
  3. Halloween was brought to North America by immigrants from Europe who would celebrate the harvest around a bonfire, share ghost stories, sing, dance and tell fortunes.
  4. The ancient Celts thought that spirits and ghosts roamed the countryside on Halloween night. They began wearing masks and costumes to avoid being recognized as human.
  5. Halloween candy sales average about 2 billion dollars annually in the United States.
  6. Halloween is the second most commercially successful holiday, with Christmas being the first.
  7. Bobbing for apples is thought to have originated from the roman harvest festival that honors Pamona, the goddess of fruit trees.
  8. Black cats were once believed to be witch's familiars who protected their powers.
Extreme Halloween Pumpkins


(Sun) Goblins and ghouls and ghost, oh my. Halloween is fun for the whole family. And how you participate can reveal the real you behind that scary mask. Discover something new about yourself by answering these questions and seeing what they reveal:

On Halloween, you usually:

a. Hand out goodies to trick-or-treaters.

b. Attend a party.

c. Go with a group to a haunted house for charity.

d. Watch a horror flick.

The costume you'd most likely wear is:

a. A ghost

b. Cowboy or cowgirl

c. Superhero

d. Pirate

Your favorite Halloween treat is:

a. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

b. SweeTarts

c. Chocolate bar

d. Tootsie Roll Pops

When you were a kid, the scariest monsters of all were:
When you were a kid, the scariest monsters of all were:

a. Vampires

b. Zombies

c. Ghosts

d. Trolls


Mostly "a" - You're fun loving but never the center of attention. You sometimes let others take advantage of your good nature, but there's little in life that frightens you.

Mostly "b" - You love dressing up and showing off to others, but you're thoughtful and never greedy with friends and family. You also get the job done, no matter what it takes.

Mostly "c" - You're a perfectionist and a bit bossy, but you never fail to impress your gang with a fancy costume. You're a high achiever and people naturally follow your lead.

Mostly "d" - You're quiet and reserved, celebrating Halloween in a low key fashion. You're costume reveals your creative, whimsical side, and you're sure to wear it more than once.

a. Vampires

b. Zombies


Pumpkin Carving 101 features everything for the novice to get started carving your very own Halloween pumpkin. The site features how-to, what tools you'll need, stencil carving and how to light your Jack-O-Lantern.

How Stuff Works How to Carve a Pumpkin features everything form introduction level carving to advanced carving along with a "gallery of Jack-O-Lanterns."

wikiHow How to Carve a Pumpkin has step-by-step photos of pumpkin carving along with what you'll need to get great results. The site also features the Better Homes and Gardens link to "Pumpkin Painting and Decorating Guide."

Get free pumpkin carving patterns from a professional pumpkin carver at The Pumpkin Lady. It has a gallery of carved pumpkins, games and offers custom carved pumpkins including your face on a pumpkin.

The Pumpkin Patch includes a short history of pumpkins, recipes, unusual pumpkin facts, how to grow your own pumpkins and much more.


Did you know that the kind of Halloween candy you give out is a reflection onto yourself. It is true, here is a few of the different personality traits related to your candy.

· Loose Change -- These people tend to be procrastinators. The fact they answer the door instead of pretending not to be there for trick- or-treaters is a sign of there Genuine interest in people and loyalty to friends.

· Candy Corn, Orange Colored Marshmallow, Puff "Peanuts," etc. -- You know how to pinch every last penny out of a dollar. You prefer spending your money on you, not someone you will never see again.

· M&M's/Snickers/Milky Way -- Right off the top, you're cool. Quality over quantity is the name of the game with you. You love a great party, are conscious and considerate of others. Likely to be a natural leader. Positive and upbeat on the outside even if your innards are tied in knots.

· Skittles/Reese's Pieces -- You're up on trends and fashion. You know what's hot and what's not. If older than 35, very likely to have children at home. A little different than the average bear but in a quirkyway. You often feel out of place but you cover it well and no one has ever noticed.

· Other name brand candy -- You like to mix things up a bit. You hate surprises -- but love to surprise others. Most likely, you bought a candy that you happen to enjoy rather than a candy that's popular with kids. This group is the most likely to be overweight.

Ladies if you are a last minute person, then here are some ideas for costumes.

c. Ghosts

d. Trolls


Mostly "a" - You're fun loving but never the center of attention. You sometimes let others take advantage of your good nature, but there's little in life that frightens you.

Mostly "b" - You love dressing up and showing off to others, but you're thoughtful and never greedy with friends and family. You also get the job done, no matter what it takes.

Mostly "c" - You're a perfectionist and a bit bossy, but you never fail to impress your gang with a fancy costume. You're a high achiever and people naturally follow your lead.

Mostly "d" - You're quiet and reserved, celebrating Halloween in a low key fashion. You're costume reveals your creative, whimsical side, and you're sure to wear it more than once.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

More Manly Man Stuff. says that like ice-cold beers and blondes in hot pants, certain things are always right -- as demonstrated by these classic rules that make life run smoothly. AskMen says that iuf you stick to these timeless dating rules in the beginning stages of any relationship, you won't go wrong.

1. Don't share excessive details about your past
2. Don't place her on a pedestal
3. Don't seem too enthusiastic
4. Don't lead her on
5. Don't compliment her
6. Don't discuss other women
7. Don't let yourself go
8. Don't rush things
9. Don't frequent thy exes
10. Don't lose the faith
Here are ten things your gal should never know about you according to Keep this valuable info to yourself, but remember this: If your woman can potentially find out about any of the following from another source, you might as well give it up right now.

1. Your conquest count
2. Your income
3. The location of your porn stash
4. Your weaknesses
5. Your strip club experiences
6. Your weirder fantasies
7. The dirt on your buds
8. Your ex-girlfriend memorabilia
9. Your embarrassing moments
10. Your cheating past

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

They're BACK!

This time at 59 Dinner.

SexyATTACK is a two minute and fifty two second, sexually invigorating group movement inspired by Eric Prydz’ erotic workout music video. The work will be performed in public spaces for a variety of unexpecting audiences.

They got their own blog too, check them out at Sexy Attacks.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Taking Notes


  1. Why it's good to have five pair of black shoes?
  2. The difference between cream, ivory and off-white.
  3. Fat clothes.
  4. A salad, diet drink, and a hot fudge sundae make a balanced lunch.
  5. Discovering a designer dress on the clearance rack can be considered a peak life experience.
  6. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made.
  7. A good man might be hard to find, but a good hairdresser is next to impossible.
  8. Why a phone call between two women never lasts under ten minutes.
  9. Other women.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Drum Line

Well may be she isn't misunderstood. Damn she got on my nerves today, contradicting every thing I said.  5 across the eyes! Is what I felt like giving her, but I can't slap her...not at work. A lot of us got off early cause it rained off and on, so there was not a high ticket sell and let us off early. As we were walking in the cars we heard this giant thud, then another, and another. Shit, I really thought there was a fucking T-Rex from the museum behind me. Nope, the U Theater of Taiwan was practicing for the weekend. So we stayed and watch them rehearsed. It was cool. We got to sit right up front and hear them play the giant drums. They even joked with us. Check them out!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


She's not so bad after all. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Artist/Band of the Month

If Summer ever needed a make over, Autumn is the answer. Yes it is that "Time of the Season" where the green is now desguised by the ember shades of red, orange and yellow. The wind will start the chilled season.  The one season that will fullfill the yearly mission.  As the song says "It's the time of the season where love runs high." Yes, it is the "time of the season for loving."

So here is a tune from one of my fave 60's Brit mellow rock band.  The Zombies - "Time of the Season."   For this video just close your eyes, and listen to its mellow flow. 

Favorite line : "What's your name? Who's your daddy? Is he rich like me? Has he taken, any time to show you what you need?"  HA!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Block Party

I highly doubt that there will be any normal chick that I'm looking for, but hey, I wouldn't hurt to try.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

They always leave

(While I am waiting to buy my AC/DC tickets)

Damn it, she's leaving. Just whenwe started to get to know each other. The only real person I talk to at work. The other night we stayed late, watching an I-Max movie. She's going to work at the Papasitos at 290.

The funny things is that, I thought she and this other girl were the same person, they look so much alike. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sick Season

Fall is here and that means one thing, SICKNESS. Here are some tips to avoid getting sick. 
  • Become a clean freak. Wash your hands or slap on some sanitizer as often as you can.
  • Restrict your air space. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta says thedroplets in sneezes and coughs can travel 3 to 6 feet. 
  • Step away from hackers so you don't inhale their bugs.
  • Bundle up. You can't catch a cold from cold weather, but feeling chilly may dampen your immunity.
  • Get vaccinated. You'll reduce your risk of infection as much as 80%.
  • Don't touch your face. Most viruses gain entry to your body through your nose, eyes and mouth.
  • Bring your own pen. Avoid using any pen handed to you at a store.
  • Put on your sneakers. That quick walk in the park will increase circulation of your immune cells, improving their ability to detect and fight infection.
And get this -- your desk is probably dirtier than the office bathroom, says Charles Gerba, Ph.D., professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizonaat Tucson. Toilet seats are usually the cleanest objects in an office because they get cleaned nightly.

The worst offenders:
  • Telephone
  • Desktop
  • Computer mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Copy machine
  • Fax machine
  • Water fountain
  • Kitchenette sponge

No class?

I've been waiting at the door since 8 this morning, 8:30, no one is here? Where is my class, it is Thursday...right? Well.. So Ike has really fucked up Body Worlds, no one is coming to the museum, we extended our hours till 9pm, and only 20 people have showed up this week. Yeah I know, easy money, but I need some stimulus. For 5 hours I sat and waited for people to take their tickets. I found out that I weigh 188.5 lbs. There's this scale that is prompt across my station. I went to check it out, put a quarter in and it weighs you, then tells your weight on the other planets and the moon. On Jupiter I would weigh 400 lbs, and the Moon I think was 27lbs. Wow, 188.5 lbs. Thats 21.5 pounds I have lost since last year...but doing what? I guess all the running/walking at Memorial paid off, but I feel any different. Compare that to high school...almost 300 lbs! Yeah I know, jaw dropper, so thats what, a retail difference of... 111.5 lbs... Bob Barker! Tell me what I've won!

Little by little I've been talking to Clair, she's going to ACL, damn her. She's the mini punk rocker chick that I orientated when she came to UHD for Freshmen Orientation. Whoa speaking of Clair, now i can watch Heroes, since work made me miss it this Monday.


There is a girl you like so you tell her
your penis is big, but that you cannot get yourself
to use it. Its demands are ridiculous, you say,
even self-defeating, but to be honored, somehow,
briefly, inconspicuously in the dark.

When she closes her eyes in horror,
you take it all back. You tell her you're almost
a girl yourself and can understand why she is shocked.
When she is about to walk away, you tell her
you have no penis, that you don't

know what got into you. You get on your knees.
She suddenly bends down to kiss your shoulder and you know
you're on the right track. You tell her you want
to bear children and that is why you seem confused.
You wrinkle your brow and curse the day you were born.

She tries to calm you, but you lose control.
You reach for her panties and beg forgiveness as you do.
She squirms and you howl like a wolf. Your craving
seems monumental. You know you will have her.
Taken by storm, she is the girl you will marry.

-Mark Strand-