Fall is here and that means one thing, SICKNESS. Here are some tips to avoid getting sick.
- Become a clean freak. Wash your hands or slap on some sanitizer as often as you can.
- Restrict your air space. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta says thedroplets in sneezes and coughs can travel 3 to 6 feet.
- Step away from hackers so you don't inhale their bugs.
- Bundle up. You can't catch a cold from cold weather, but feeling chilly may dampen your immunity.
- Get vaccinated. You'll reduce your risk of infection as much as 80%.
- Don't touch your face. Most viruses gain entry to your body through your nose, eyes and mouth.
- Bring your own pen. Avoid using any pen handed to you at a store.
- Put on your sneakers. That quick walk in the park will increase circulation of your immune cells, improving their ability to detect and fight infection.
The worst offenders:
- Telephone
- Desktop
- Computer mouse
- Keyboard
- Copy machine
- Fax machine
- Water fountain
- Kitchenette sponge
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