Sunday, May 17, 2009

Arrested Moments

Just a few pictures from my "portfolio"....

UHD's Culture on the Bayou

20 Our hotel in Santorini Greece  <a href=
Our hotel in Santorini Greece

2007 217
Temple of Zeus in Athens Greece

Inside the new downtown Cathedral

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Houston Art Car Parade

The Annual Houston Art Car Parade is this weekend, and tomorrow is the Main Street Drag. It's just a preview of what's to be shown. If you never been to the parade then you really need to go. Here is a link of the past one that I went to. I'm trying to get Taneisha to come out..but she is being a butt head about it. I've helped built 2 cars, one in middle school, and the other in high school. It's a really cool thing to go to. The cars start lining up at 9am - come early and get a view that's up close and personal. Vendors and refreshments on site. Parade rolls at 1pm Allen Parkway between Taft and Downtown.FREE

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why do people make things difficult?

Just a venting issue....

A while ago I put up shift coverage card at work so I can take the day off and do some school stuff. At the bottom of the card I put "Will work your Saturday shift." Some one signed it so I got the day off. I told this person to give me a fair advance time of notice so I can make some preparations on my schedule. That person agreed. Well, this person decides to let me know at the very last minute...very late on Friday via the way in which it was in my locker due to work related rules. I didn't check my messages later that night, so it was too late. Now this person is asking for me to cover her shift again, but I have a final on that day. I clearly explained it to this person what went wrong the first time, and the complications for this time. For some reason she just can not get this in their head. I have even told this person that I will work for them during the week and a Saturday.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine C+

In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Huge Jackman reprises his role that jump started his career as a new form of the human evolution process. Born as James Howlet (also goes by Logan) is a mutant in which is characterized by one human having the X-Gene; a genetic trait that causes a DNA mutation and causes the human to have abilities. Wolverine’s possesses the abilities of cell regeneration (wounds that heal by itself), heighten senses (super smell and hearing) and retractable bone claws that come out of his fist. Yes bones. This is one thing I liked about the movie. We have always seen Wolverine with his metal claws but we were never really introduced on these claws in his earlier years. It was always implied that he had claws but was only left to the imagination. Later on he agrees to go under a medical procedure that actually turns his bones in to a type of metal, the strongest known to man. His reason for doing this is to seek out revenge against Sabertooth who “killed” Logan’s love interest in the move. What Logan didn’t know what that this was a set up, and the death of his love was acted out. Right after the medical process, Logan uses his super hearing and over hears that his memory will be erased and he will become a humanoid weapon for the U.S. Government. He breaks free and the movie is set up from here, trying to catch him and bring him back to the facility.
Once again we are hit with a complicated and drown out storyline along with poorly defined characters. Just as the last X-MEN movie…it’s too much story for one movie. If the movie is entitled X-Men Origins: Wolverine, then why not actually show is origins. We are only given about 10 minutes of his childhood, learning that he and Sabertooth/Victor are actually brothers….mistake #1. This takes a whole lot from the characters, and this is not in the comics. In the comics Logan actually runs away from home to live among nature, a local Native American tribe….and wolves. Yes the exact same animal he is based on is not even brought up in the movie. We do get a montage of all the wars he as fought in from the American Revolution to the World Wars. I did like that though.
Mistake #2. He is part of a special force tactical unit called Weapon X. It would have been nice if they made some kind of reference to Captain America…second thought no…look what they did to Ghost Rider, Dare Devil and Spiderman 3.
Mistake #3 Sabertooth….hmmm, lets just give him some canines and glue some Frito corn chips to his finger nails. Yeah WTF, that reseble nothing like Sabertooth. Sabertooth in X-MEN 1 was better. Gambit…I expect more that just throwing cards and jumping around. He can charge things and make them explode, why was this not used in the movie…oh because he was only in it for about 5 minutes…just like every other mutants.
The biggest mistake…Ryan Reynolds!!! WTF were they thinking!!! I guess they didn’t see Blade 3. Dry comedy in a action movie does not ever work.
This is paint by numbers movie; you basically know what’s going to happen, animal roars, fight scenes, and graphics.
The worst thing is that I saw this movie online for free….and I still want some money back.

Unfortunately X-Men (Mislead)Origins: Wolverine, there is a sequel in the works…



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How to shuss your lady in a nice way.

Tired of your lady's complaints? She'd have it much worse overseas. The next time your woman busts out the following common relationship complaints, whip out this handy guide and remind her exactly how good she has it! Good Luck!!!

  1. You never do any housework. -- In rural Albania, men are forbidden from doing household chores because lifting a finger is seen as a sign of weakness. An Albanian lady's "chores" can include strenuous labor, such as lugging enormous bales of hay from one paddock to another while her man stands around and smokes.
  2. You don't understand my cycle.-- Women toiling in Mexico's export-driven maquiladora factories can be subject to spot pregnancy checks, with some employers going as far as to inspect ladies' sanitary napkins for evidence. Despite lawsuits from human-rights watchdogs, Mexican authorities have claimed that the practice is legal.
  3. You're scared of commitment. -- Thanks to a cunning interpretation of an Islamic law, Syrian men can divorce their wives by muttering "I divorce you" three times. By contrast, a woman has to go to court, a process that can take up to five years. In that time, her husband may have already bagged several more wives.
  4. You're obsessed with my past. -- In Turkey, unmarried women are pressured to take virginity tests at the behest of their meddlesome parents. A woman who fails may find herself abandoned by her family and the invasive exam can even be ordered after death. The nation's men, meanwhile, wield their beef kabobs with impunity.
  5. You don't support my career. -- A 1996 Russian law restricts women from entering 400 professions "inconsistent with femininity." Those industries include building, crane operation and working in tunnels. Women who had labored loyally without complaint during Soviet times found themselves jobless overnight.
  6. You never let me drive. -- Before 1990, it was merely socially unacceptable for women to drive in Saudi Arabia. Then, after 50 women protested the custom by taking a spin through the capital Riyadh, the Grand Mufti outlawed lady driving altogether. The protesters were detained and many of them lost their jobs.
  7. You stifle my ambitions. -- Acting "in the interests of the household," Cameroon passed a law in June 1998 requiring women to obtain their husband's permission before seeking a job in a trade other than his. Sexist nonsense? Ask J.Lo what happens when you're more successful than your man.

You favorite position in......sleep.

Did you know that the position in which you sleep at night -- whether it's all curled up in a fetal position or sprawled out across the bed -- reveals your personality? That's the word from Chris Idzikowski, director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service.

  1. The Fetal (41 percent): People who sleep this way, which is the most common way to sleep, are described as tough on the outside, but sensitive on the inside.
  2. The Log (15 percent): People who sleep this way lie on their side with both arms down, close to their side. They tend to be social and easy-going people who enjoy being part of the in-crowd.
  3. The Yearner (13 percent): Sleeping on your side with both arms stretched out in front of you describes the yearner's sleep position. While they have an open nature, they can be suspicious andeven cynical. Such people are slow to make up their mind, but once a decision has been made, they are unlikely to ever change it.
  4. The Soldier (8 percent): Lying flat on the back with both arms pinned at the side is the sleep position of the soldier. People who sleep this way are quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss and set themselves and others to high standards.
  5. The Freefall (7 percent): People who sleep this way lie on their tummy with their hands at the sides of their head. While they tend to be brash and gregarious on the surface, they are nervy and thin-skinned underneath.
  6. The Starfish (5 percent): People in the starfish position sleep on their back with both arms up around the pillow. Because they are always ready to listen to others and offer help when needed, they make the best of friends; however, they generally don't like to be the center of attention.
  7. The Rest of Us. The remaining 11 percent in this study either said they slept in a variety of positions or just didn't know how they slept. Once you have a preferred position, you're unlikely to change it from night-to-night.

You are what you wear.

Sun) The color you wrap yourself in every day makes a stronger statement than you know. Neurologists say the colors you wear have a direct effect on the people around you, altering their state of mind and brain chemistry. "You can use fashion to your advantage, equipping yourself with the proper colors to ace a job interview, win an argument or influence whoever you see and whoever sees you," explains Dr. Gene Channerry. Here's how to harness the power of pigment for success and happiness:

  • Purple Power -- The ancient color of emperors has long been associated with spiritual wisdom, giving those who wear it a quality of mystery and depth. Purple also stimulates the pituitary gland, adding a sense of imagination and allure.
  • Indigo Trust -- Studies find that women who wear dark blue are seen as more competent and intelligent. It's no mistake that policemen, military officers, pilots and business leaders wear navy blue. The color increases a feeling of loyalty and supreme confidence.
  • Blue Cool -- The hue of the open sky has been found to increase the brain's production of melatonin, the chemical that regulates sleep and relaxation. Viewing shades of blue immediately creates a sense of calm reassurance, lowering the pulse rate and cooling off anger and stress.
  • Green Fortune -- The color of fresh leaves is also the color of money and scientific surveys find it's associated with luck, success and self confidence, making this the best color to wear when applying for a loan or interviewing for a job.
  • Orange Cheer -- Warm colors boost the moods of everyone who sees them, creating a feeling of friendliness. A University of Georgia study found 94 percent of people who looked at orange or yellow felt happier within seconds.
  • Red Passion -- Well known as the color of desire and high emotions, red has a pronounced physical effect on those who see it. This hue triggers the release of adrenaline and epinephrine, two stimulating chemicals that boost heart rate and raise body temperatures.
  • Pink Persuasion -- This feminine color reduces hostile feelings and leaves those who see it relaxed and cheerful for 30 minutes or more. Pink has a stimulating effect on the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates mood and feelings of friendliness

You And Your Pets

  1. The kind of pet you choose can be a direct reflection on the type of person ou really are. "There's a powerful connection between people and their pets hat's truly beneficial," says psychologist Marion Steinberg. "Research has hown you'll live a longer, happier life if you open your heart to anything rom a dog to a parrot." Steinberg says the latest study proves the animals ou choose to love actually highlights your personal traits. So what does our favorite pet say about you? Choose the one you like the best and discover more about yourself.

    •Birds -- Fun-loving and adventurous, folks in your inner circle know you'll try anything once. The trouble is, you don't always plan ahead to avoid catastrophe. If you curb your impatience, you'll land on your feet more often than not.

    •Cats -- Just like the feline, you're picky about who you lavish your affection on. You're a natural-born leader who's not afraid to stand up for your rights and take charge of a situation. That's fine because your co-workers respect your ideas.

    •Dogs -- You're a straight shooter, and your pals often ask for your clear-eyed advice and thoughtful observations. A loyal and true friend, you never betray a confidence. Best of all, when you give your friendship, it's for life.

    •Fish -- You're a creative person who appreciates beauty in all its forms. Friends and family love your generous spirit and unselfish approach to life. You're also perceptive and observant -- a person who's always in the know.

    •Gerbils/Guinea Pigs -- Loved ones are sometimes confused by your behavior. You can be shy and standoffish or outgoing and full of spunk, depending on your mood. But despite the ups and downs, you're a popular and well-loved person.

    •Pot-belly pigs -- You're intelligent, funny and affectionate. Life is something to be enjoyed to the fullest. But although your friends are the center of your life, you may have a commitment phobia when it comes to love.

    •Rabbits -- These indicate you're a shy yet curious nature, ready for anything.